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QV-X404P1C-E QV Apex 404 Pro - Colour LED | 363-612-10

QV APEX ProCNC Vision Measuring System All the QUICK VISION Pro models are equipped with a strobe light, and the newly developed vision measuring function "StrobeSnap" delivers measurements with both high throughput and high accuracy. Regardless of the continuity of measuring positions, measuring time can be shortened by about 35 to 45% for most measurement samples when compared with our former system. The STREAM function provides an amazingly high throughput, due to the non-stop measurement where the camera motion and the strobe light are synchronized. It can shorten measuring time more than StrobeSnap due to the continuous element measurement as shown in the following conceptual image of measurement. This is a superior model of QUICK VISION, which is equipped with the StrobeSnap function as standard, enabling high-speed measurement. We offer a model with Tracking Auto Focus (TAF) that quickly focuses on the object improving throughput significantly. The camera motion and the strobe light are synchronized to make non-stop vision measurements without stopping the stage. This makes it possible to use STREAM to shorten measuring time dramatically. QVTP ProCNC Vision Measuring System Equipped with a Touch-Trigger Probe Non-contact measurement and contact measurement can be done solely by one unit. QVTP Pro can perform contact measurement by using the vision measuring function and the touch-trigger probe. Three-dimensional workpiece measurements can be performed. Enables 3D measurement of workpieces such as press-molded products, plastic-molded products, and cut products, which until now could not be measured with image processing alone. Using the probe module change rack allows switching between vision measurement and touch-trigger probe measurement during an automatic measuring sequence.
- Durchlicht weiße LEDKoaxiallicht Farb-LEDPRL Farb-LED
Auflösung des Maßstabs 0,1 µm
Beleuchtung Durchlicht weiße LEDKoaxiallicht Farb-LEDPRL Farb-LED
Campo di misura (X×Y×Z) 400 x 400 x 250 mm
Carico max. tavola 40 kg
Charge max 40 kg
Common to vision displacement sensor (X×Y×Z) 334 x 400 x 250
Déplacement palpeur (XxYxZ) 334 x 400 x 250
Eclairage Contour illumination White LED Vertical surface illumination Color LED PRL Color LED
Entsprechendes QVTP-Modell QVT1-X404P1C-E
Fonction de compensation thermique Manual
Gemeinsamer Messbereich (Vision und Taster) (X × Y × Z) 334 x 400 x 250
Genauigkeit der Bildverarbeitungsmessung EUX,MPE/EUY,MPE = (1,5+3L/1000) µmEUZ,MPE = (1,5+4L/1000) µmEUXY,MPE = (2+4L/1000) µmBestimmt entsprechend dem Mitutoyo Inspektionsverfahren. L Messlänge in mm
Illumination unit Contour illumination White LED Vertical surface illumination Color LED PRL Color LED
Jednostka oświetlenia Contour illumination White LED Vertical surface illumination Color LED PRL Color LED
Lampada Contour illumination White LED Vertical surface illumination Color LED PRL Color LED
Main unit mass (Including the special sub-base) 640 kg
Maks. obciążenie stołu 40 kg
Masse des Hauptgeräts (einschließlich Untergestell) 640 kg
Masse machine (Incluant la base spéciale) 640 kg
Mätområde (X×Y×Z) 400 x 400 x 250 mm
Max. asztalterhelés 40 kg
Max. Messtischbelastung 40 kg
Max. stage loading 40 kg
Max. tafelbelasting 40 kg
Max. zatížení stolu 40 kg
Maxvikt arbetsstycke 40 kg
Measuring range (X×Y×Z) 400 x 400 x 250 mm
Meetbereik (X×Y×Z) 400 x 400 x 250 mm
Messbereich (X × Y × Z) 400 x 400 x 250 mm
Model QV Apex 404 Pro - Colour LED
Modèle QV Apex 404 Pro - LED couleur
Modell QV Apex 404 Pro - Colour LED
Modell PRO QV Apex 404 Pro - Colour LED
Modello QV Apex 404 Pro - Colour LED
Observation Programmable power turret 1X-2X-6X
Observation unit Programmable power turret 1X-2X-6X
Optik programmierbarer Vergrößerungswechsler 1x-2x-6x
Plage de mesure (X x Y x Z) 400 x 400 x 250 mm
Précision de mesure EUX,MPE/EUY,MPE>/sub> = (1,5+3L/1000) µmEUZ,MPE = (1,5+4L/1000) µmEUXY,MPE = (2+4L/1000) µmDetermined by Mitutoyo's inspection method. L arbitrary measuring length (unit mm)
QVTP Pro model QVT1-X404P1C-E
Resolution 0.1 µm
Resolution of scale 0.1 µm
Rozsah měření (XxYxZ) 400 x 400 x 250 mm
Temperaturkompensation manuell
Thermal compensation function Manual
Vision measuring accuracy EUX,MPE/EUY,MPE>/sub> = (1,5+3L/1000) µmEUZ,MPE = (1,5+4L/1000) µmEUXY,MPE = (2+4L/1000) µmDetermined by Mitutoyo's inspection method. L arbitrary measuring length (unit mm)
Zakres pomiarowy (X×Y×Z) 400 x 400 x 250 mm
Поворотный стол Contour illumination White LED Vertical surface illumination Color LED PRL Color LED
  • Артикул: 363-612-10
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