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730HLD Leeb Hardness Reference Material without calibration certificate, Ø115x33mm, steel | 11AAD243

Hardness reference materials in quality control:The boost for your process safety! The daily verification, performed by the user, is described in the according hardness testing standards and significantly contributes to quality management processes. In the daily verification process, all parameters of the hardness test system that build up to the hardness value, are examined by indentations on the hardness reference material.This periodical inspection of the machine by means of hardness reference materials should be carried out immediately before the daily start of the test schedule. An according documentation enhances the process safety, as value shifts due to damage or malfunction can be detected easily. In addition, the repeatability of results of the hardness testing machine can also be checked with the hardness reference materials.Mitutoyo offers a comprehensive range of hardness reference materials (hardness test blocks) to suit your quality management procedure perfectly.Please contact us if you do not find what you are looking for.
Abmessungen ø115 x 33 mm
Campioni non standard - works specification
Čistá váha 3700 g
Dimension Ø115x33mm
Durchlicht 10.387 mm²
Echelle 1 HLD
Episcopica 10.387 mm2
Hardness Value 730
Hodnota tvrdosti 730
Material steel
Materiale Acciaio
Matériau acier
Materiał Stal
Method Leeb
Methode Leeb
Metoda Leeb
Net weight 3700 g
Nettogewicht 3700 g
Norme sans norme - caractéristiques de travail
Normy non standard - works specification
Oberfläche 10.387 mm²
Peso netto 3700 g
Poids net 3700 g
Product line HH-411
Produit concerné HH-411
Produktová řada HH-411
Produktpalette HH-411
Produktreihe HH-411
Rozměr Ø115x33mm
Scale 1 HLD
Skala 1 HLD
Standard non standard - works specification
Standardní non standard - works specification
Surface 10.387 mm2
Valeur de dureté 730
Стандарт non standard - works specification
  • Артикул: 11AAD243
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