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Stylus M2 ruby ball Ø4,0mm ceramic stem Ø2,0mm, base stainless steel Ø3,0mm L 10,0mm, ML 10,0mm | K651231

Straight styli are used to detect easily reachable features on the measured surface. Ruby, as the hardest of all stylus tip materials, is the perfect choice for most applications. The very lightweight and extremely stiff character of ceramic materials and its low thermal expansion, makes it the ideal material, especially for long stems and extensions. The brittle characteristic can protect probes from the effects of crash. Because of the adhesive material build up, the scanning of aluminium surfaces with ruby tips is not recommended.
Asztal anyaga stainless steel
Ball Grade DIN 5401 Grade 5
Ball Material Ruby
Ball ø 4 mm
Base material stainless steel
Beskrivning av protokollsystemet 01-M2-R4-L10-ML10-SCER2-BS3
Bille Rubis
Classe DIN de la bille 5401 Classe 5
Code, Kurzform-System 01-M2-R4-L10-ML10-SCER2-BS3
Description protocol system 01-M2-R4-L10-ML10-SCER2-BS3
Effectieve lengte 10 mm
Effective length 10 mm
Effektive Länge 10 mm
Fästets material Rostfritt stål
Filetage M2
Gewicht 0,38 g
Gewinde M2
Gömb ø 4 mm
Hmot. 0,38 g
Klasse nach DIN 5401 Klasse 5
Kugel ø 4 mm
Kugelmaterial Rubin
Kul-Ø 4 mm
Kulička ø 4 mm
Kwaliteit kogel conform DIN 5401 Grade 5
Longueur effective 10 mm
Lunghezza effettiva 10 mm
Masa 0,38 g
Mass 0,38 g
Massa 0,38 g
Materiaal basisplaat Roestvrijstaal
Materiaal kogel Robijn
Materiaal Schacht Keramisch
Material Grundkörper Edelstahl
Material Schaft Keramik
Materiál základny Nerez ocel
Materiale base acciaio inossidabile
Matériau de la tige Céramique
Matériaux Acier inoxydable
Materiał płyty Stal nierdzewna
Nummerieke omschrijving 01-M2-R4-L10-ML10-SCER2-BS3
Poids 0,38 g
Shaft stem material Ceramic
Skaftmaterial Keramik
Tableau de description du système de protocole 01-M2-R4-L10-ML10-SCER2-BS3
Thread M2
Tömeg 0,38 g
Vikt 0,38 g
Využitelná délka 10 mm
ø bille 4 mm
ø kogel 4 mm
ø Kugel 4 mm
ø kulki 4 mm
ø sfera 4 mm
  • Артикул: K651231
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