Spindle Attachment Tip Comparator For Micrometer Anvils 6,35mm | 208063
A Mitutoyo interchangeable tip that is pushed onto a standard micrometer spindle (6.35 mm diameter) to enable measurement of workpiece features that cannot otherwise be reached by the spindle. Note that the length of the tip reduces the measuring range of the micrometer by approximately 15mm (value not guaranteed).

Accuracy | Length 10 mm ±5 µm |
Accuratezza | Length 10 mm ±5 µm |
Anmärkningar | Komparator |
Bemerkung | Comparator |
Bemerkungen | Kegelförmig |
Dokładność | Długość 10 mm ±5 µm |
Genauigkeit | Länge 10 mm ±5 µm |
Megjegyzés | Comparator |
Nauwkeurigheid | Lengte 10mm ± 5 µm |
Noggrannhet | Längd 10 mm ±5 µm |
Note | Comparatore |
Opmerkingen | Comparator |
Pontosság | Length 10 mm ±5 µm |
Poznámka | Kulový |
Précision | Longueur 10 mm ±5 µm |
Přesnost | Délka 10 mm ±5 µm |
Remarks | Comparator |
Remarques | Touche conique |
Uwagi | Stożkowa |
- Артикул: 208063
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