Цифровой индикатор ID-S 12,7mm, 0,01mm, Lug Back Plate | 543-781-10
This is a standard model of indicator that is reliable and easy to use.The ABSOLUTE Digimatic Indicator ID-S offers you the following benefits:The ABSOLUTE sensor means you don‘t have to carry out origin setting every time you power it on, saving you time and hassle.You can access all functions by using the large, user-friendly buttons on the front of the indicator.Large character height of 9 mm provides good readability.Exceptional battery life.
AAN/UIT | Ja |
Affichage | LCD, hauteur des caractères 9 mm |
Aflezing | Absolute Lineare encoder |
Alarm | Low voltage, sensor error, ABS data composition error |
Alarme | Faible tension, erreur de capteur, erreur de composition des données ABS |
Alimentation (Consommation électrique) | 1 pile SR44 |
Alimentazione | 1 battery SR44 |
Allarme | Low voltage, sensor error, ABS data composition error |
Anmärkningar | Detta digitala mätur har datautgång men saknar inbyggd dataknapp. Om USB Input Tool-kabel används (se specialtillbehör), krävs progamvaran USB-ITPAK. |
Anzeige | LCD, Ziffernhöhe 9 mm |
Batterielebensdauer | ca. 18000 Stunden (0.001 mm Ausführung), ca. 20000 Stunden (0.01 mm Ausführung) |
Batterilivslängd | Ca. 18000 timmar (0,001 mm typ)Ca. 20000 timmar (0,01 mm typ) |
Battery life | Approx. 18000 hours (0.001 mm type), approx. 20000 hours (0.01 mm type) |
Bemerkung | Diese digitale Messuhr mit Datenausgang besitzt keine integrierte Datentaste. Demnach ist bei der Benutzung der USB Input Tool Direct Leitung (optionales Zubehör) die Software USB-ITPAK erforderlich. |
Bemerkungen | Diese digitale Messuhr ist ausgestattet mit einem Datenausgang, besitzt aber keine integrierte Datentaste. Zur Datenübertragung ist die USB Input Tool Direct Leitung (siehe optionales Zubehör) und die USB-ITPAK Software erforderlich. |
Bereik | 12.7 mm |
Bescherming | IP42 |
Cale-mm | Metryczne |
Campo | 12.7 mm |
Capacité | 12.7 mm |
Čís. krok | 0.01 mm |
Coll-mm | Metrikus |
Contact point | Carbide ball, thread M2.5x0.45 |
Counting direction switchable | Yes |
Cyfrowy / analogowy | Cyfrowy |
Digimatic data output | Yes |
Digimatic data uitgang | Ja |
Digimatic Datenausgang | ja |
DIGIMATIC-kimenet | Igen |
Digimatic/mécanique | Digimatic |
Digimatic datautgång | Ja |
Digitaal/Analoog | Digitaal |
Digital step | 0.01 mm |
Digital upplösning | 0.01 mm |
Digital/Analog | Digital |
Digitale / Analogico | Digitale |
Digitális/Analóg | Digitális |
Digitální/Analogové | Digitální |
Direzione conteggio selezionabile | Si |
Display | LCD, character height 9 mm |
Displej | LCD, character height 9 mm |
Durata batteria | Approx. 18000 hours (0.001 mm type), approx. 20000 hours (0.01 mm type) |
Durée de vie la pile | Environ 18000 heures (Type 0,001 mm) et 20000 heures (Type 0,01 mm) |
Elem élettartam | Approx. 18000 hours (0.001 mm type), approx. 20000 hours (0.01 mm type) |
Energieversorgung | 1x Batterie SR44 |
Erreur Max Adm E MPE (Capacité totale) | 0.02 mm |
Felbontás | 0.01 mm |
Figyelmeztetés | Low voltage, sensor error, ABS data composition error |
Force de mesure MPL | ≤1,5 N |
Gewicht | 150 g |
Grenzwert der Messabweichung E MPE (ganzer Messbereich) | 0.02 mm |
H MPE (Errore di Isteresi) | 0.02 mm |
H MPE (histereza) | 0.02 mm |
H MPE (Hysteresis) | 0.02 mm |
H MPE (Hystereze) | 0.02 mm |
H MPE (Umkehrspanne) | 0.02 mm |
H MPE (Vänd-språngsfel) | 0.02 mm |
Hmot. | 150 g |
Inch-Metric | Metric |
Inch-Metrisch | Metrisch |
Inspänningsskaft Ø | 8 mm |
Inversion du sens de comptage | Oui |
IP | IP42 |
Kapslingsklass | IP42 |
Kijelző | LCD, character height 9 mm |
Klasa ochrony | IP42 |
Końcówka pomiarowa | Carbide ball, thread M2,5x0,45 |
Larm | Low voltage, sensor error, ABS data composition error |
Lecture | Codeur linéaire absolu |
levensduur batterij | Ong. 18.000 uur (0.001mm model) Ong. 20.000 uur (0.01mm model) |
Maks. prędkość przesuwu | Nieograniczona |
Marche/Arrêt | Oui |
Masa | 150 g |
Mass | 150 g |
Massa | 150 g |
Maßstab | Absolut-Linear-Encoder mit elektrostatischer Kapazität |
Mätspets | Carbide ball, thread M2,5x0,45 |
Max. avläsningshastighet | Obegränsad |
Max. Permissible ErrorE MPE (Total Range) | 0.02 mm |
Max. povolená chyba E MPE (celkový rozsah) | 0.02 mm |
Max. Reaktions-geschwindigkeit | Unbegrenzt |
Max. response snelheid | Onbeperkt |
Max. response speed | Unlimited |
Max. rychlost odezvy | Neomezená |
Max. toelaatbare fout E MPE (totaal bereik) | 0.02 mm |
Max. válaszadási sebesség | Korlátlan |
Max. Velocità di risposta | Illimitata |
Maximalt tillåtet fel E MPE (hela området) | 0.02 mm |
Measuring force MPL | ≤1.5 N |
Megjegyzés | This digital indicator has data output but no integrated data button so for USB Input Tool Direct Cable (see optional accessory) the USB-ITPAK Software is required. |
Měřicí dotek | Carbide ball, thread M2,5x0,45 |
Měřicí síla MPL | ≤1,5 N |
Messbereich | 12.7 mm |
Messeinsatz | Hartmetallkugel, Gewinde M2,5x0,45 |
Messkraft MPL | ≤1.5 N |
Model | EN ISO Standard |
Nacisk pomiarowy | ≤1,5 N |
Napájení | 1 battery SR44 |
Netzeinheit | 1x Batterie SR-44 |
Note | This digital indicator has data output but no integrated data button so for USB Input Tool Direct Cable (see optional accessory) the USB-ITPAK Software is required. |
Omkastning av mätriktning | Ja |
Område (mm) | 12.7 mm |
ON/OFF | Yes |
Opmerkingen | Deze digitale meetklok heeft data-uitvoer maar geen geïntegreerde dataknop, dus voor de USB Input Tool Direct-kabel (zie optioneel accessoire) is de USB-ITPAK-software vereist. |
ORIGIN (ABS nollpunktsinställning) | Ja |
ORIGIN (ABS nulinstelling) | Ja |
ORIGIN (zerowanie ABS) | Tak |
ORIGIN (ABS nullapont) | Igen |
ORIGIN (ABS Nullpunkt) | Ja |
ORIGIN (ABS-nula) | Ano |
ORIGIN (ABS-Zero) | Yes |
Origine (ABS ) | Oui |
På/Av | Ja |
Palcové-Metrické | Metrické |
Poids | 150 g |
Pollici - Metrici | Metrico |
Power supply | 1 battery SR44 |
Poznámka | This digital indicator has data output but no integrated data button so for USB Input Tool Direct Cable (see optional accessory) the USB-ITPAK Software is required. |
Přepínání směru čítání | Ano |
Protection | IP42 |
Protezione | IP42 |
Provedení | EN ISO Standard |
Punto di contatto | Carbide ball, thread M2,5x0,45 |
R MPE (Opakovatelnost) | 0.01 mm |
R MPE (powtarzalność) | 0.01 mm |
R MPE (Repeatability) | 0.01 mm |
R MPE (Repeteerbaarheid) | 0.01 mm |
R MPE (Repeternoggranhet) | 0.01 mm |
R MPE (Ripetibilità) | 0.01 mm |
R MPE (Wiederholpräzision) | 0,01 mm |
R MPE (Répétabilité) | 0.01 mm |
Range | 12.7 mm |
Remarks | This digital indicator has data output but no integrated data button so for USB Input Tool Direct Cable (see optional accessory) the USB-ITPAK Software is required. |
Remarques | Ce comparateur a une sortie de données, mais pas de bouton données, ainsi pour le câble d'entrée USB (voir accessoire en option), le logiciel USB-ITPAK est nécessaire. |
Resolution | 0.01 mm |
Risoluzione | 0.01 mm |
Rozdzielczość | 0.01 mm |
Rozsah měření | 12.7 mm |
Scala | Electrostatic capacitance type absolute linear encoder |
Scale | Electrostatic capacitance type absolute linear encoder |
Schacht Ø | 8 mm |
Schaft ø | 8 mm |
Schutzart | IP42 |
Skala | ABSOLUTE linjär enkoder av elektrostatisk kapacitiv typ |
Skala / Liniał | Electrostatic capacitance type absolute linear encoder |
Sortie de données Digimatic | Oui |
Stem Ø | 8 mm |
Strömförsörjning | 1 batteri SR-44 |
Stroomvoorziening | 1 battery SR44 |
Stupeň ochrany | IP42 |
Stupnice | ABSOLUTE lineární pravítko elektrostatického kapacitního provedení |
Számlálási irányváltás | Igen |
Szár ø | 8 mm |
Tápegység | 1 battery SR44 |
Tapintó | Carbide ball, thread M2,5x0,45 |
Tartomány | 12.7 mm |
Tastpunt | Hardmetalen kogel, draad M2,5x0,46 |
Tastspitze | Hartmetallkugel, Gewinde M 2.5 x 0.45 mm |
Telrichting omschakeling | Ja |
Temps de réponse max. | Illimité |
Tipo | EN ISO Standard |
Típus | EN ISO Standard |
Tömeg | 150 g |
Touche de mesure | Bille en carbure, filetage M2,5x0,45 |
Tum-Metrisk | Metrisk |
Typ | EN ISO Standard |
Type | EN ISO Standard |
Unité de mesure | Métrique |
Upínací stopka ø | 8 mm |
Uscita dati DIGIMATIC | Si |
Uwagi | This digital indicator has data output but no integrated data button so for USB Input Tool Direct Cable (see optional accessory) the USB-ITPAK Software is required. |
Védelem | IP42 |
Vikt | 150 g |
Výstup dat DIGIMATIC | Ano |
Weergave | LCD, karakterhoogte 9 mm |
Wyjście danych DIGIMATIC | Tak |
Wyświetlacz | LCD, character height 9 mm |
Zählrichtung umschaltbar | ja |
Zakres | 12.7 mm |
ZAP/VYP | Ano |
Zasilanie | 1 battery SR44 |
Ziffernschrittwert | 0,01 mm |
Životnost baterie | Approx. 18000 hours (0.001 mm type), approx. 20000 hours (0.01 mm type) |
Zmiana kierunku zliczania | Tak |
Zoll/Metrisch | Metric |
Zywotność baterii | Approx. 18000 hours (0.001 mm type), approx. 20000 hours (0.01 mm type) |
Ø de canon | 8 mm |
Ø gambo | 8 mm |
Ø tulei | 8 mm |
Контактный наконечник | Carbide ball, thread M2,5x0,45 |
- Артикул: 543-781-10
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