QM Height w/o Air Floating, Inch/Metric 0-14", 0,00005"/0,0001"/0,0002" | 518-241
This is a high precision ABSOLUTE Digital Height Gauge that offers you the following benefits:It has a high accuracy, high resolution ABSOLUTE linear encoder for position detection.Types with and without pneumatic drive mechanismAutomatic running of prelearnt part programsYou can easily implement frequently used measurements, such as inside/outside diameter and pitch calculations, by icon-based commands that also support easy one-key operation.Extraordinary battery lifeGO/±NG judgement is performed by setting the upper and lower tolerances.

Aandrijf methode | Manueel |
Accuracy | ±(2,4+2,1L/600) µm L = Measuring length (mm) |
Accuratezza | ±(2,4+2,1L/600) µmL = lunghezza di misura (mm) |
Affichage | LCD TN monochrome |
Aflezing | 0,00005/0,0001/0,0002" of 0,001/0,005 mm |
Air floating | no |
Alimentation (Consommation électrique) | Pile Alkaline AA LR6 (4pcs.), accu AA Ni-MH (4pcs.),Adapteur AC (en option) |
Alimentazione | Alkaline battery size AA LR6 (4pcs.), rechargeable battery size AA Ni-MH (4pcs.),AC-Adapter (optional) |
Anzeige | TN monochrome LCD |
Batterielebensdauer | Ca. 1200 Std. (ohne Luftlager)Ca. 90 Std. (mit Luftlager) |
Batterilivslängd | Ca 1200 tim.(utan luftkudde)Ca 90 tim. (med luftkudde) |
Battery life | Approx. 1200 h(without air floating)Approx. 90 h (with air floating) |
Bereik | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Cale-mm | Calowe/Metryczne |
Campo | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Capacité | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Čís. krok | 0.00005/0.0001/0.0002" nebo 0,001/0,005 mm |
Coll-mm | coll/mm |
Completo di | Include 4 batterie, Master di calibrazione, tastatore a sfera |
Coussin d'air | no |
Cyfrowy / analogowy | Cyfrowy |
Delivered | Including 4 batteries, setting block, ball offset probe |
Digimatic/mécanique | Digimatic |
Digitaal/Analoog | Digitaal |
Digital step | 0,00005/0,0001/0,0002" or 0,001/0,005 mm |
Digital upplösning | 0,00005/0,0001/0,0002" or 0,001/0,005 mm |
Digital/Analog | Digital |
Digitale / Analogico | Digitale |
Digitális/Analóg | Digitális |
Digitální/Analogové | Digitální |
Display | TN monochrome LCD |
Displej | TN monochromatický LCD |
Dodává se | Včetně 4 baterií, kalibrační blok, kuličkový mimostředný dotek |
Dokładność | ±(2,4+2,1L/600) µmL = Długość pomiaru (mm) |
Dostawa | Including 4 batteries, setting block, ball offset probe |
Drive method | Manual |
Durata batteria | Circa 1200 h (senza air floating)Circa 90 h (con air floating) |
Durée de vie la pile | Approx. 1200 h(sans coussin d'air)Approx. 90 h (avec coussin d'air) |
Elem élettartam | Approx. 1200 h(without air floating)Approx. 90 h (with air floating) |
Elmozdulás módja | Manual |
Energieversorgung | Alkaline Batterie Typ AA LR6 (4St.)Akkus Typ AA, Ni-MH (4St.)AC-Netzadapter (optional) |
Entraînement | Manuel |
Felbontás | 0,00005/0,0001/0,0002" or 0,001/0,005 mm |
Fonction de mesure | Mesures 1D Diamètre, entraxe, Max/Min/TIR (Max-Min), tolérance, preset, mémoire de données |
Förflyttning av sliden | Manuell |
Führungsmethode | Rollenführung |
Funkcja pomiarowa | 1D measurement height diameter, pitch, Max/Min/TIR (Max-Min), tolerance, preset, data memory |
Funzione di misura | Misure 1D altezza diametro, passo, Max/Min/Tir (Max-Min), tolleranze, preset, memorizzazione dati |
Geleidings methode | Rollagering |
Genauigkeit | ±(2,4+2,1L/600) µm L = Messlänge (mm) |
Gewicht | 25 kg |
Graduations | Codeur ABSOLUTE electromagnétique |
Guida metodo | Cuscinetto |
Guiding method | Roller bearing |
Haaksheid | 7 µm |
Hmotnost | 25 kg |
Inch-Metric | Inch/Metric |
Inch-Metrisch | Inch/metrisch |
Ismételhetőség | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
Kijelző | TN monochrome LCD |
Kolmost | 7 µm |
Lagring | Rullager |
Levegő ellátás | no |
levensduur batterij | ongeveer 1200 h(zonder lucht ondersteuning)ongeveer 90 h (met lucht ondersteuning) |
Levereras | Inklusive 4 batterier, inställningsblock, kulformad offsetprob |
Levering | Incl. 4 batterijen, instelblok, excentrische taster |
Lieferumfang | Einschließlich 4 Batterien, Einstellblock, Kugeltaster |
Liniaal | ABSOLUTE lineare encoder |
Liniał | Indukcyjny enkoder ABSOLUTE |
Livré | avec 4 piles, bloc étalon, palpeur bille décalée |
Luftkudde | Nej |
Luftlager | nein |
Masa | 25 kg |
Mass | 25 kg |
Massa | 25 kg |
Maßstab | ABSOLUTE elektronischer Linearmaßstab |
Mätfunktion | 1D mätning Höjd, diameter, steg, Max/Min/TIR (Max-Min), tolerans, preset (förval), datalagring |
Measuring function | 1D measurement height diameter, pitch, Max/Min/TIR (Max-Min), tolerance, preset, data memory |
Meetfunctie | 1D metingen hoogte, diameter, Max/Min/TIR (Max-Min), tolerantie, preset, geheugen |
Mérési funkció | 1D measurement height diameter, pitch, Max/Min/TIR (Max-Min), tolerance, preset, data memory |
Měřicí funkce | 1D měření výška, průměr, rozteč, Max/Min/TIR (Max-Min), tolerance, předvolba, paměť dat |
Merőlegesség | 7 µm |
Messbereich | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Messfunktion | 1 D Messung Höhe, Durchmesser, Steigung, Max/Min/TIR (Max-Min), Toleranz, Preset, Datenspeicherung |
Méthode de guidage | Roulement |
Metodauložení | Kuličkové ložisko |
Metodo di spostamento | manuale |
Napájení | Alkal. baterie AA LR6 (4ks), dobíjecí baterie AA Ni-MH (4ks),Síť. adaptér (vol. přísluš.) |
Nauwkeurigheid | ±(2,4+2,1L/600) µm L = Meetlengte (mm) |
Netzeinheit | Alkaline Batterie Größe AA LR6 (4 Stück), wiederaufladbare Batterie Größe AA Ni-MH (4 Stück), Netzteil (optional) |
Noggrannhet | ±(2,4+2,1L/600) µm L = Mätlängd (mm) |
Område (mm) | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Opakovatelnost | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
Palcové-Metrické | Palcové/Metrické |
Perpendicolarità | 8 µm |
Perpendicularité | 7 µm |
Perpendicularity | 7 µm |
Pneumatische ondersteuning | Nee |
Poduszka powietrzna | Nie |
Pohon doteku | Manuální |
Pohyb na vzduchu | ne |
Poids | 25 kg |
Pollici - Metrici | Pollici / metrici |
Pontosság | ±(2,4+2,1L/600) µm L = Measuring length (mm) |
Power supply | Alkaline battery size AA LR6 (4pcs.), rechargeable battery size AA Ni-MH (4pcs.),AC-Adapter (optional) |
Powtarzalność | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
Précision | ± (2,4 + 2,1 L/600) µmL = Longueur mesurée (mm) |
Přesnost | ±(2,4+2,1L/600) µm L = měřená délka (mm) |
Prostopadłość | 7 µm |
Przesuwanie suwaka | Ręczne |
Range | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Rätvinklighet | 7 µm |
Rechtwinkligkeit | 7 µm |
Repeatability | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
Répétabilité | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
Repeterbarhet | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
reproduceerbaarheid | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
Resolution | 0,00005/0,0001/0,0002" ou 0,001/0,005 mm |
Ripetibilità | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
Risoluzione | 0,00005/0,0001/0,0002" o 0,001/0,005 mm |
Rozdzielczość | 0,00005/0,0001/0,0002" or 0,001/0,005 mm |
Rozsah měření | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Scala | ABSOLUTE elettromagnetico induttivo |
Scale | ABSOLUTE electromagnetic inductive |
Skala | ABSOLUTE elektromagnetisk induktiv |
Sposób przemieszczania | Łożysko toczne |
Strömförsörjning | Alkaline battery size AA LR6 (4pcs.), rechargeable battery size AA Ni-MH (4pcs.),AC-Adapter (optional) |
Stroomvoorziening | Alkaline batterij AA LR6 (4st.), rechargeable batterij AA Ni-MH (4st.),AC-Adapter (optioneel) |
Stupnice | ABSOLUTE Elektromagnetické indukční |
Szállítva | Including 4 batteries, setting block, ball offset probe |
Tápegység | Alkaline battery size AA LR6 (4pcs.), rechargeable battery size AA Ni-MH (4pcs.),AC-Adapter (optional) |
Tartomány | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Tömeg | 25 kg |
Tum-Metrisk | Tum/Metrisk |
Unité de mesure | Inch/Métrique |
Verfahrmethode | Manual |
Vezetésmódja | Gördülő csapágy |
Vikt | 25 |
Weergave | TN monochrome LCD |
Wiederholpräzision | (2σ) ≤ 1,8 µm |
Wyświetlacz | TN monochrome LCD |
Zakres | 0-14"/0-350 mm |
Zasilanie | Alkaline battery size AA LR6 (4pcs.), rechargeable battery size AA Ni-MH (4pcs.),AC-Adapter (optional) |
Ziffernschrittwert | 0,00005/0,0001/0,0002" oder 0,001/0,005 mm |
Životnost baterie | Cca 1 200 hod. (bez pohybu na vzduchu)cca 90 hod. (při pohybu na vzduchu) |
Zoll/Metrisch | Zoll/Metrisch |
Zywotność baterii | Approx. 1200 h(without air floating)Approx. 90 h (with air floating) |
- Артикул: 518-241
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