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U-WAVE-T Connection Cable SF Footswitch, for Digimatic S1 Interface | 02AZG021

This connecting part connects a measuring tool to its U-WAVE T unit. Choose the appropriate cable for your measuring tool from the seven types below, A to G.
Anmärkningar U-WAVE Data Cable Straight with Foot Switch Connector for Instruments with Digimatic S1 Interface e.g. for ID-C, ID-F Indicator
Bemerkung U-WAVE Datenleitung gerade mit Fußschalteranschluss für Messgeräte mit Digimatic S1 Schnittstelle z.B. für ID-C, ID-F Messuhr
Megnevezés U-WAVE Data Cable Straight with Foot Switch Connector for Instruments with Digimatic S1 Interface e.g. for ID-C, ID-F Indicator
Note U-WAVE Data Cable Straight with Foot Switch Connector for Instruments with Digimatic S1 Interface e.g. for ID-C, ID-F Indicator
Opmerkingen U-WAVE Data Cable Straight with Foot Switch Connector for Instruments with Digimatic S1 Interface e.g. for ID-C, ID-F Indicator
Poznámka U-WAVE kabel, přímé provedení s nožním spínačem pro přístroje s rozhraním Digimatic S1 např. pro úchylkoměr ID-C, ID-F
Remarks U-WAVE Data Cable Straight with Foot Switch Connector for Instruments with Digimatic S1 Interface e.g. for ID-C, ID-F Indicator
Remarques Câble U-Wave avec connecteur pédale pour instruments Digimatic S1 (ID-C/ID-F)
Uwagi Kabel danych U-WAVE z wtykiem prostym Digimatic S1, m.in. dla czujników ID-C, ID-F
  • Артикул: 02AZG021
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