Connection Unit, U-WAVE fit Соединительный блок(Стандартный тип) | 02AZF300
This compact and wireless units is used to connect U-WAVE-TC to a measuring tool with the Digimatic output feature.

Anmärkningar | För U-WAVE-TC Sändare t. ex. för ABS AOS Standardskjutmått |
Bemerkung | Für U-WAVE-TC Sender z.B. für ABS AOS Standard-Messschieber |
Gewicht | 6 g |
Hmotnost | 6g |
Masa | 6g |
Mass | 6g |
Massa | 6g |
Megnevezés | adapter U-WAVE-TC adóhoz, standard digitális tolómérőhöz |
Note | Per trasmettitore U-WAVE-TC , ad es. calibri AOS ABS standard |
Opmerkingen | Voor U-WAVE-TC zender bijv. voor ABS AOS standaard schuifmaat |
Poids | 6g |
Poznámka | Bezdrátový vysílač pro U-WAVE-TC a U-WAVE TCB např. pro ABS AOS Posuvná měřítka |
Remarks | For U-WAVE-TC and U-WAVE TCB Transmitter e.g. for ABS AOS Standard Caliper |
Remarques | Pour l'émetteur U-Wave-TC par exemple pour pied à coulisse AOS |
Tömeg | 6g |
Uwagi | Dla nadajnika U-WAVE-TC np. do suwmiarki standardowej ABSOLUTE AOS |
Vikt | 6g |
- Артикул: 02AZF300
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