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Кабель Digimatic с кнопкой передачи данных, прямой 2m | 959150

This is an overview of available data cables, and how you can connect measuring devices with data output e.g.to a PC. The cables listed are used to connect the measuring devices directly via USB (USB Input Tool Direct Cables),  indirectly via standard Digimatic cables and interface box (e.g. DMX box or USB Input Tool Box), or the U-WAVE-T wireless transmitters (box version) to a PC.Please find the appropriate cable for your particular Digimatic measuring instrument in the “Optional Accessories” section of its product entry.
Bemerkung Signalleitung mit Datentaste 2 m
Beschreibung Signalleitung mit Datentaste 2 m
Beskrivning Signalkabel med dataknapp 2 m
Cable length 2 m
Délka kabelu 2 m
Description Signal cable with data switch 2 m
Descrizione cavo invio dati con tasto 2 m
Désignation Câble de connexion SPC (2 m) avec bouton Data
Długość kabla 2 m
Kábelhossz 2 m
Kabellängd 2 m
Kabellengte 2 m
Leírás Jelkábel adatgombbal 2 m
Leitungslänge 2 M
Longueur de câble 2 m
Lunghezza cavo 2 m
Omschrijving Datakabel met dataknop 2 m
Opis Kabel sygnałowy 2m z przełączaniem rejestracji danych
Popis Propojovací kabel s tlačítkem DATA 2 m
  • Артикул: 959150
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