Vernier Caliper, Long Jaw, Fine Adjust. 0-20", 0,001", Inch | 534-118
These vernier calipers with long jaws come with or without fine adjustment and let you measure hard-to-reach features.They offer you the following benefits:Long jaws enable you to measure hard-to-reach workpiece features.The top offset vernier scale allows you to directly read the inside dimensions without having to add the jaw blade width.
Belső mérés | 0,804" |
Binnenmeting vanaf | 804" |
Błąd graniczny (MPE) | ±0,003" |
Błąd granicznydopuszczalny S (MPE) | ±0,003" |
Completo di | In scatola |
Děl. stup. | 0,001" |
Delivered | In a box |
Dodává se | In,In a box |
Dostawa | W etui |
Erreur Max Adm J MPE | ±0,003" |
Erreur Max Adm S MPE | ±0,003" |
Errore massimo ammesso (Intero campo) | ±0,003" |
Gewicht | 3500 g |
Graduation | 0,001" |
Graduazione | 0,001" |
Grenzwert der Messabweichung E MPE | ±0,003" |
Grenzwert der Messabweichung S MPE | ±0,003" |
Hmot. | 3500 g |
Innenmessung von | 0.804" |
Inside measuring from | 0.804" |
Interni da | 804" |
Invändig mätning från | 0,804" |
Lecture | 0,001" |
Levereras | I en ask |
Levering | In etui |
Lieferumfang | Lieferung in einer Box |
Livré | Dans une boîte |
Masa | 3500 g |
Mass | 3500 g |
Massa | 3500 g |
Max. errore ammesso S MPE | ±0,003" |
Max. Permissible Error E MPE | ±0,0025" |
Max. Permissible Error S MPE | ±0,0025" |
Max. povolená chyba E MPE | ±0,003" |
Max. povolená chyba S MPE | ±0,003" |
Max. toelaatbare fout S MPE | ±0,003" |
Maximalt tillåtet fel S MPE | ±0,003" |
Maximalt tillåtet fel E MPE | ±0,003" |
Maximum toelaatbare fout | ±0,003" |
Mesure int. à partir de | 0,804" |
Podziałka | 0,001" |
Poids | 3500 g |
Pomiar wewn. od | 0,804" |
Pontosság | ±0,003" |
Schaalverdeling | 0,001" |
Síklapúság | 0,001" |
Skalenteilung | 0,001" |
Skalenteilungswert | 0,001" |
Szállítva | In a box |
Tömeg | 3500 g |
Upplösning | 0,001" |
Vikt | 3500 g |
Vnitřní měření od | 0,8" |
- Артикул: 534-118
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