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Лазерный микрометр LSM-6200 Laser Display (Metric/Inch) | 544-072D

The LSM-6200 Display Unit is a versatile display unit dedicated to Laser Scan Micrometers. This dual-display design allows setup values to be continuously monitored with. You can also get simultaneous readout of two measurement values, and segment measurement and edge measurement are both supported. Statistical calculation and abnormal-data elimination functions are provided as well.The LSM-5200 Display Unit offers you the following benefits:With this dual-display design, you can continuously monitor setup values, and also simultaneously display two measurement values.You can select either the segment measurement (7 segments max) or edge measurement (1 to 255 edges).Includes RS-232C and I/O and analogue interface capabilities.Includes statistical calculation and abnormal data eliminating functions.
Abnormal data elimination Да
Applicable laser standards IEC, FDA (544-534), JIS (544-533)
Automatic measurement Да
Data output Да
GO/±NG judgement Да
Group judgement Да
Inch-Metric Дюймовый/метрический
Interface units equipped RS-232C, аналоговый вход и выход, ножной переключатель
Main display 16-ти значный, люминисцентная трубка
Power supply 100-240 В перем.ток, 40 VA, 50/60Гц
Sample Measurement Да
Statistical calculations for DP-1VA Да
Transparent object measurement Да
Workpiece position display Да
  • Артикул: 544-072D
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