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Rack for two pallets For loading receiver pallet system CMM fixtures, eco-fix series | K543810

Store your 250 mm x 250 mm eco-fix base plate and fixture assemblys comfortabl beside the CMM while preparing the application or running the measurement process rack for 2 250 mm x 250 mm eco-fix base plates
Application CMM
Component type Rack
Description Store your 250 mm x 250 mm eco-fix base plate and fixture assemblys comfortabl beside the CMM while preparing the application or running the measurement process ● rack for 2 250 mm x 250 mm eco-fix base plates
Height 1 780 mm
Length 1 328 mm
Mass 15000 g
Product line eco-fix pallet-receiver system
Units 1
Width 1 646 mm
  • Артикул: K543810
  • $1 611.65

  • Без НДС: $1 611.65
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