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eco-fix Starter Kit S CMM fixtures, eco-fix series | K551284

In order to ensure an easy start in fixturing, Mitutoyo offers a range of preconfigured kits. Choose from kits with different base plate sizes and different combinations of fixturing components.
Application CMM
Component type Kits
Description The eco-fix entry level starter kit can be used to for safe, flexible and repeatable 3 point set-up of a part in one plane. Scope of delivery ● basic eco-fix system components, ● 250 mm x 250 mm base plate with M6 threaded hole grid with a 12.5 mm grid distance. For easy CMM mounting and serial measurements, please check our manual loading receiver system.
Mass 2.417 g
Product line eco-fix
Units 23
  • Артикул: K551284
  • $680.40

  • Без НДС: $680.40
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