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Cube M6 f. right-angled direction change CMM fixtures, eco-fixplus series | K550521-10

Cube M6 for rectangular change of direction in the room.
Alésage Ø a 6
Ältere Produktreihe repro-fix
Ancienne ligne de produit repro-fix
Anwendung KMG
Aplikacje CMM
Application CMM
Applicazione per CMM
Bohrungs-ø a 6
Bore Ø a 6
Breite 1 25 mm
Component type Build-up component
Einheiten 1
Elément type Elements de montage
Filetage 1 M6
Gewinde 1 M6
Hauteur 1 25 mm
Height 1 25 mm
Höhe 1 25 mm
Jednostki 1
Ligne de produit eco-fixplus
Linia produktów eco-fixplus
Old product line repro-fix
Product line eco-fixplus
Produktreihe eco-fixplus
Profondeur 1 25 mm
Systemkomponente Aufbauelemente
Thread 1 M6
Typ komponentu Build-up component
Unités 1
Units 1
Width 1 25 mm
  • Артикул: K550521-10
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