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Линейная шкала ST700 головка 73 мм | ABS ST741AL

ABSOLUTE scales have eliminated the need to re-establish the origin.The ST700 offers you the following benefits:It is optimized for the control of linear motors.Optimized for high-speed, high-acceleration control.A non-contact detection system ensures a long service life for your product.Signal adjustment at installation is automatically performed with dedicated software.
Alkalmazható rendszer Mitsubishi Electric CorporationMR-J2S/MR-J3 sorozat
Applicable system Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MR-J2S/MR-J3 Series
Auflösung 0,1; (0,05 μm auf Anfrage)
Capacité 100 mm
Corsa utile 100 mm
Do stosowania w systemach Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Seria MR-J2S/MR-J3
Effectief bereik 100 mm
Effective range 100 mm
Effektiv mätlängd 100 mm
Effektiver Messbereich 100 mm
Felbontás[µm] 0,1; (0,05 μm  special rendelés)
Hasznos tartomány 100 mm
Kompatibles System Mitsubishi®Electric Corporation MR-J2S/MR-J3 Serie
Model Resolution 0,5 µm73 mm head
Modèle Résolution 0,5 µmTête 73 mm
Modell Upplösning 0,5 µm73 mm givare
Modell PRO Auflösung 0,5 µm73 mm Kopf
Modello Risoluzione 0.5 µm testina 73 mm
Passande system Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MR-J2S/MR-J3 Serie
Resolutie 0,1 µm
Resolution 0,1 µm
Rozdzielczość 0,1 µm
Sistemi supportati Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Serie MR-J2S/MR-J3
Système applicable Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Séries MR-J2S/MR-J3
Toepasbaar systeem Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MR-J2S/MR-J3 Series
Upplösning 0,1 µm
Vhodné systémy Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Série MR-J2S/MR-J3
Využitelný rozsah měření 100 mm
Zakresefektywny 100 mm
  • Артикул: ABS ST741AL
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