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LEGEX774 CNC CMM Range 700x700x450 mm, with anti-vibration stand and ceramic coated table | 356-417

The LEGEX Series is an ultra-high precision CNC coordinate measuring machine.A fixed bridge structure and precision air bearings running on highly rigged guideways, ensure superior motion stability and ultrahigh geometrical accuracy. Drive systems placed in the “Center of gravity” of the sliders, gives best possible dynamic performance. In addition, an active anti-vibration stand has have been utilized to provide ultra-high accuracy.The construction is designed for thermal stability, low expansion crystallized glass scales and temperature compensation, results in guaranteed high accuracy within a temperature range of 18 °C to 22 °C.Main benefits:Rigorous analysis of all possible error-producing factors, and elimination or minimization of their effects, delivers unsurpassed accuracy of 0,28μmUltra-high accuracy crystallized-glass scale with the ultra-low expansion coefficient of 0,01x10-6/K is used on each axisThe fixed bridge structure and precision air bearings, running on highly rigid guideways, give you superior motion stability and ultra-high geometrical accuracyUC480 controller supporting Multi-sensor and SMS functionality (Smart Measuring System)You can use several different types of optional probe systems, including Mitutoyo’s high precision MPP310Q scanning probe
Accuracy E0, MPE from (0,28+0,1L/100) µm
Accuratezza E0, MPE da (0,28+0,1L/100) µm
Aflezing 0.01 µm
Altezza di carico 700 mm
Bemerkung Schwingungsisolierendes Untergestell
Bereich 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Bereik 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Campo 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Capacité 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Carico 500 kg
Čís. krok Vzduchové ložisko
Commenti Basamento antivibrante
Comments Anti vibration stand
Digital step 0.01 µm
Digital upplösning 0.01 µm
Dokładność E0, MPE od (0,28+0,1L/100) µm
Felbontás 0.01 µm
Genauigkeit ab E0,MPE(0,28+1L/1000) µm
Hauteur de chargement  700 mm
Hmotnostměř. dílu 500 kg
Höjd- utrymme 700 mm
Komentarze Podstawa antywibracyjna
Kommentarer Vibrationsdämpande stativ
Laadgewicht 500 kg
Laadhoogte 700 mm
Längdmätosäkerhet E0, MPE från (0,28+0,1L/100) µm
Längenmessabweichung ab E0,MPE(0,28+1L/1000) µm
Loading Height 700 mm
LoadingWeight 500 kg
Max vikt 500 kg
Messbereich 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Model LEGEX774
Modèle LEGEX774
Modell LEGEX774
Modell PRO LEGEX774
Modello LEGEX774
Nauwkeurigheid E0, MPE van (0,28+1L/1000) µm
Område 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Opmerkingen Anti Vibratie onderstel
Poids de chargement 500 kg
Poznámka Antivibrační stojan
Précision E0, MPE (0,28+0,1L/100) µm
Přesnost E0, MPE od (0,28+0,1L/100) µm
Range 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Resolution 0.01 µm
Risoluzione 0,01 µm
Rozdzielczość 0.01 µm
Rozsah měření 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Support Support anti vibration
Tartomány 700 x 700 x 450 mm
TerhelésMagasság 700 mm
TerhelésTömeg 500 kg
Výška měř. dílu 700 mm
Waga przedmiotu 500 kg
Werkstückgewicht 500 kg
Werkstückhöhe 700 mm
Wysokość przedmiotu 700 mm
Zakres 700 x 700 x 450 mm
Ziffernschrittwert 0,01 µm
  • Артикул: 356-417
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